Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Chili Snow Day (continued)

Well now all of my plans have changed because of the snow storm. It's snowing so hard the only thing that you can see, are sheets of white. Can you imagine? So because I am officially snowed in, I'm not sure if I'll be able to get my hot bowl of chili with all the fixings (sour cream, cheese, jalapenos peppers and a splash of hot sauce added to taste) with a grill cheese sandwich on Texas toast. Instead I have frozen Bagel Bites, not really a good alternative solution I know. Depending on if my friends go to dinner or not, Bagel Bites will have to suffice.

Word of advice:
If you really want something, but there is an obstacle in your way, push through because you're goal will be so much better when you finally reach it.

The Culinary Chronicles: The Business

So guess what I have...

Well, you don't really have to guess, I'll tell you. Thanks to my Dad, I now have business cards for my blog! I told you guys when I first started this culinary expedition, that this blog would serve as a networking forum. My hope is that one day a food magazine writer, or editor will read it. But until then, I'll just keep Stirring Up New Ideas...One Recipe at a Time.

"Bon Appetit"

Dear Readers...

Wow, I just checked the stats of my blog and I do have fans! Oh I'm so excited. I have a readers in the U.S, from Germany and even one from Malaysia. At least now I know that I'm not just throwing my thoughts into a great big void. So too my readers, I want to thank you. I appreciate that you all are taking an interest in my work. Please comment. I want to know what you think about my recipes. Have you tried them? Do you have any recipes that you want me to try? Let me know!

Chili Snow Day

Well, I'm snowed in for the day. The President of the school cancelled all classes for today. Good thing too, because I went to bed at 3 AM, only to hear my alarm go off at  at 6:15, and have classes from 9-2:50. On top of everything, my dorm doesn't have hot water, and the heat in my room is fickle. Sometimes it's hot, and other times I'm freezing. So I changed my whole schedule around. I went to the cafeteria and got a bowl of hot chicken noodle soup and a buffalo chicken wheat wrap with spinach, a little mayo, two scoops of rice, onions, roasted red peppers and fresh green peppers. I know it sounds like a lot of random ingredients, but when you bite into it, it's like a flavor party in your mouth. Yum! I'm spending my snow day curled up in bed with my teddy bears, Toffee and Chestnut watching movies. My movie line up is Julie and Julia, No Reservations, and my Love Comes Softly Saga. I think I'll have a small bowl of Chili for dinner, but we'll see.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Food For Thought

Do you want to know what inspired me to create this blog? The movie Julie and Julia Lol. I really wanted to put the recipes that I have created somewhere for people to see, and my hope was that they would try them and tell me what they think. Just like Julie! She says in the movie, "I have thoughts..." And I am always coming up with new recipes to try, so I thought I could create a blog too.

"Bon Appetit"

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Blood Orange Frenzy!

I have a new culinary obession, blood oranges! Orange on the outside and a rich dark red on the inside. They are so beautiful. I'm inspired to cook with them now, I just don't know where to start. Any ideas?

I'm thinking about chicken ala orange with a twist. I want to marinade the chicken in blood orange juice and other seasonings, hopefully the meat with be stained with the beautiful red color, and then plate it on raw kale greens. I don't know what do you guys think?