Friday, August 31, 2012

New and Exciting Ventures Await

Hello All!! Man oh man! I have so much to share with you guys.  I told one of my professors, who happens to be the Chair of the Communications Department at my school about the award that my blog received and he told me to send him an email of all of the "stuff" that I had been up to as of late. For those of you who may not know, I am studying to receive my BA in Communication Studies with a concentration in Journalism and Mass Communications. Anyways, I sent him a dissertation of all of the exciting things that have been happening for me, the biggest one of course was receiving the Liebster Award. He sent a reply back to me saying, and I quote, "Great work, Ariel! You are a credit to our department. I am so happy for you" He even posted my news to the Communication Studies Department's Facebook Page! Can you say free publicity? Hello!!! LOL All jokes aside though, it is such a humbling experience to be publicly recognized like this. I give all honor to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who is my best friend. Without Him I am nothing, but through Him I can do all things (my bible tells me so).

Okay, I'm finished gushing for now. You probably want to hear about some of the new recipes that I will be whipping up right? Well I only have two in the works right now but I still want you wonderful food connoisseurs  to tell me what you think about them.

First up is a Roasted Red Pepper Meatloaf Sandwich. I just experimented with it today and it turned out so well! I had two pieces of whole wheat toast with mayo and meatloaf, elegantly garnished with roasted red peppers and pressed together in a panini grill. When I go home for Fall break, I'll try to post the full recipe on the blog. *If I forget, please remind me!*

The next recipe that I have for you is my Ginger Infused Fried Rice. Everyone has their own idea of what fried rice should taste like right? Well, my goal was to take a fairly simple recipe and really put a unique twist on the dish as a whole. My fried rice has shredded carrots, bean sprouts, mushrooms, scallions, chicken, shrimp,  eggs, a little sriracha sauce, homemade ginger oil, and teriyaki sauce. YUM!!! It's an eclectic group of ingredients that is going to taste like a party of flavor on your taste buds.  I'll post this full recipe on the blog too.

Many, many thanks again for reading, following, or visiting my blog; and for being a part of my dream. I really appreciate it.

I hope to hear from you soon. COMMENT, COMMENT, COMMENT!! I'd love to converse with you.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Liebster Award!

Hey Foodies!
Guess blog just got nominated for the Liebster Blog Award! I was unfamiliar with this award until literally 10 minutes ago lol. My "Mini Me" Alex and newest follower nominated me for it so Alex here's a BiG ShOuT OuT to you, thanking you for thinking of me! As a journalism major, I have learned that exposure is a good thing!

Friendly FYI-
Liebster is a German word meaning dearest arey, and the award is given to up-and-coming bloggers with less than 200 followers.

Please Everyone Follow Alex's Blog:

Alright...these are the guidelines:

The nominee has 5 questions that they have to answer (given to you by the blogger that nominated them), 5 random facts about themselves, 5 new nominees with less than 200 followers, and lastly 5 questions for those that they have nominated

These are the 5 Questions that Alex asked me:

1) Who's your favorite author?
- My favorite authour is L.M. Montgomery

2) Are you a skirt or a dress kind of gal?
- Dresses for sure. If I could I would where dresses all the time!!

3) Where do you like to shop for clothes?
- My favorite store is Maurices; but I shop at Macy's, Nordstrom, Hollister, American Eagle, Forever 21, Charolette Russe and accessories stores like Icing and Rue 21

4) Crafts or Cooking, and why?
 - I really enjoy both, but cooking is very theraputic for me. I always say that in the confines of my kitchen, I have traveled all over the world through the dishes that I create
5) Favorite disney character?
- If I had to pick just one, I would say Minnie Mouse

5 Random Facts about Ari G.
  1. One of my hobbies is hand painting black and white photography
  2. I really enjoy grocery shopping; I find it very therapeutic
  3. I tweet nearly everyday!
  4. I have big dreams, an even bigger imagination, and a passion and drive for life that keeps me going
  5. My favorite number is 5 because in scripture 5 is the symbolic number for Grace and almost all of the most significant events in my life revolve around the number 5 :-)
I Nominate You....
  1. Haylie Gregory ~(
  2. Melissa Renee~ (
  3. Dahlia Joseph~ (
  4. Heather Lindsey~ (
  5. Lauren Brown~ (
**All of these Blogs are amazing!!! So please check them out!**

Nominees Here Are Your Questions:
  1. If you could have any superpower what would it be and why?
  2. Who is your biggest source of inspiration?
  3. From where do you draw your creativity?
  4. What do you find the most joy in doing in your spare time?
  5. What makes your blog unique?

I really hope that you take part in this opportunity!