Thursday, February 3, 2011

Cantaloupe Craze

The weather is getting warmer because spring is around the corner. So I started thinking about fun and healthy dishes that are pleasing to the eye and tasty to eat. I don't know about you, but when spring comes around I think of bright colors and refreshing tastes. Now, cantaloupe has always been one of my favorite fruits. the bright orange color and the sweet juice is very refreshing. I also enjoy eating raspberry sorbet. So why not make it the best of both worlds?
I have a few ideas on fun, healthy, colorful dishes: Check 'em out

Cantaloupe kabobs:
The tools
Melon Baller
The Fruit:
 1 large Cantaloupe
1 1/2 pounds of Strawberries
Directions: cut the cantaloupe in half and scoop out all of the seeds. Then with the melon baller, begin making little balls and place in the fridge. Next, wash the strawberries well, and cut of the leaves off, proceed to cut in half. Unless strawberries are already sweet enough to your liking, rinse, pat dry and put them in a bowl. Pour approximately 2 1/2 tablespoons of white sugar over top of the strawberries, cover and put in the fridge. When the allotted time has past, begin constructing the fruit kabobs starting with the cantaloupe and then the strawberry slices.
* If you want to get really creative get a Styrofoam ball cut it in half and place the finished fruit kabobs inside to make a fruit bouquet.

Cantaloupe Bowls:
Why waste good china, when you can make an edible bowl?
All you need is...
- 1 medium sized Cantaloupe
- 1 pint of Raspberry Sorbet
- Whipped Cream
- Mint leaf
Cut the Cantaloupe in half, and scoop out the seeds. Let the sorbet sit out until soft. Proceed to pour the raspberry sorbet into the cantaloupe bowl. Garnish with a large swirl of whipped cream and a mint leaf.


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